Интегрированный курс
(на английском языке)
Автор программы: Трубицына М.С.,
учитель гимназии №23 г.Владимира
Пояснительная записка
Данная программа по основам экономики (на английском языке) предназначена для обучения школьников в российских школах с углубленным изучением английского языка и преподаванием ряда предметов или их отдельных разделов на иностранном языке.
В конце ХХ в. в социокультурном контексте изучения иностранных языков в России произошли существенные изменения . В связи с тем, что начали интенсивно развиваться прямые международные связи между российскими и зарубежными фирмами в регионах, возникла необходимость разработки совместных образовательных программ по межшкольному культурному и образовательному обмену учащихся, по совместной деятельности школ в области общеевропейского образования, международного развития школьников.
Новые политические и социально-экономические реалии, влияние новых технологических достижений цивилизации на развитие мировой индустрии потребовали подготовить школьников к овладению профессиональными навыками на английском языке.
Для современного многоязычного и поликультурного развития школьников средствами иностранного языка в России, согласно Программе по английскому языку для школ с углубленным изучением иностранных языков <10-11 кл.>, характерно изучение по выбору ряда предметов, таких как основы экономики и прикладная экономика, как на родном, так и на иностранном языке при активном использовании соответствующей учебной литературы. Данная Программа также предусматривает включение в материалы зачетных уроков иноязычных заданий из зарубежных учебников по аналогичным предметам.
Концепция развития Лингвистической гимназии № 23 ориентирована на внедрение идей глобального образования и связанных с этим проблем создания межпрежметных и надпредметных курсов. Изучение иностранного языка помимо собственно лингвистического развития должно формировать у школьников гуманистический стиль общения и взаимодействия, этическую толерантность, открытость по отношению к другим культурам. Согласно Концепции, в педагогическом процессе должен осуществляться «учет интересов и возможностей самоопределения учащихся; помощь им в реализации жизненных планов (будущее как компонент содержания образования, ознакомление с миром профессий и ремесел, подготовка гимназистов к продолжению учебы в вузах); создание потенциала для встречи с будущим; «учиться всю жизнь», т.е. подготовка к непрерывному образованию, встрече с противоречиями в жизни; формирование эмоциональной устойчивости и умения управлять собой в конфликтных ситуациях».
Таким образом, вышеперечисленные требования Программы и Концепции привели к необходимости создания в гимназии интегрированного курса «Основы экономики (на английском языке)».
Учитывая данные положения Концепции развития гимназии и Программы по английскому языку, обучению придается ярко выраженная коммуникативная направленность, ориентация делается на интегративный коммуникативно-деятельностный подход к языковому образованию.
В Программе заложены такие задачи изучения языков в российских школах, как
- формирование и развитие билингвистической коммуникативной компетенции в повседневно-бытовой, административной сферах, при трудоустройстве и организации бизнеса,
- развитие у школьников культуры делопроизводства (через ознакомление с современной материальной базой и традициями общеевропейского делопроизводства к развитию культуры письменной деловой речи и овладению речевым этикетом делового общения).
Для более полной реализации данных задач было разработано два курса: основы личной экономики и прикладная экономика.
Курс «Основы личной экономики» является факультативным. Он предназначен для учащихся 10 классов гуманитарной направленности и рассчитан на 16 –18 часов (0.5 года).
Данный курс – один из возможных вариантов изучения учащимися основ личной экономики. Он составлен с учетом программы курсов «Личность и экономика» и «Предпринимательство», пройденных частью учащихся в 9 классе на русском языке, и программы по английскому языку в 10 классе.
Исходя из данных программ, основной целью предлагаемого курса является дать учащимся представление о социокультурных и бытовых реалиях, связанных с повседневной жизнью человека за рубежом. Учащиеся получают возможность оценить свои умения
и навыки с точки зрения будущего трудоустройства, обучиться навыком поиска работы. Ученики также знакомятся с понятием «бюджета» и возможными способами его построения. При прохождении данного курса школьники получают такие разнообразные практические навыки, как составление визитной карточки, подготовка к собеседованию с работодателем, планирование личного и семейного бюджетов, разумное и прибыльное использование кредита.
Программа дает возможность развить у учащихся уважение к образованию как неотъемлемой части будущей карьеры, подготовить учащихся к жизни в 21 веке – веке международных отношений и все большей унификации требований к уровню жизни в странах мира, показать взаимозависимость личной экономики отдельного индивидуума, его семьи, страны, в которой он живет, и мира в целом.
При прохождении тем используются такие методики и технологии, как ролевая игра, работа в команде и малых группах, творческий проект. Таким образом, учащимся предоставляется возможность приобрести навыки поисковой работы, самостоятельной работы с источниками (газеты, рекламные объявления в печати и на телевидении, Интернет). Школьники развивают умение вести диалоги, интервью. Ученики также приобретают практические навыки по заполнению чеков, ведению семейного бюджета, определению ликвидности ценных бумаг и анализу инвестиций. Творческий потенциал учащихся раскрывается через такие мини-проекты, как создание собственной «Карты жизни», составление «шокового» интервью при приеме на работу.
В коммуникативно-речевом развитии учащихся выделяются следующие темы:
- «Банки и банковские услуги в англоязычных странах и России» (денежные знаки стран и кредитные карточки, система оплаты товаров и услуг, виды страхования),
- «Рынок труда и трудоустройство молодежи в современном мире. Старые и новые профессии. Требования к стилю и качеству работы» (ознакомление с источниками информации о рынке труда; ознакомление с требованиями, предъявляемыми к претендентам на работу; развитие интегративных умений письменной и устной речи, необходимых для оформления заявлений о приеме на работу, заполнения анкет, написания писем и прохождения интервью в соответствии с западноевропейскими требованиями).
Программа построена таким образом, чтобы учащийся от осознания своей собственной индивидуальности и неповторимости для работодателя пришел к выводу, что он является неотъемлемой частью экономической системы страны.
Данный курс характеризуется ярко выраженной практической направленностью.
Курс «Прикладная экономика» (по выбору) предназначен для учащихся 10-11 классов, желающих получить высшее образование по специальностям, связанным с экономикой. Курс рассчитан на 48-50 часов (1,5 года).
Данный курс является одним из возможных вариантов изучения учащимися прикладной экономики. Программа составлена с учетом программ по экономике, пройденной учащимися в 9 классе на русском языке, программы курса «Основы личной экономики» и программы по английскому языку в 10-11 классе, а также с учетом возрастных особенностей и интеллектуальных запросов учащихся.
Цель программы – дать учащимся представление о фундаментальных понятиях микро-, макро- и международной экономики. Курс помогает школьникам понять экономическую теорию свободного рынка и дает некоторые практические навыки в управлении предприятием в системе частного предпринимательства. Учащиеся знакомятся с наиболее эффективными способами работы в рамках подобной системы, а также рассматривают альтернативные экономические системы, возникшие в ходе развития современной цивилизации. Школьники сравнивают и определяют наиболее успешные и наименее удачные стороны той или иной экономической системы.
Программа развивает у учащихся уважение к образованию как неотъемлемой части будущей карьеры.
Использование методики лекционного преподавания материала и методики опорных конспектов при прохождении изучаемых тем предоставляет возможность учащимся приобрести навыки поисковой работы, самостоятельной работы с источниками (материалы, представленные в Study Guide (Практикум); газетные статьи, материалы Интернета). Ученики приобретают практические навыки интерпретации информации, анализа сложившейся экономической ситуации в стране или отдельно взятом предприятии, решения проблем собственного бизнеса.
Программа построена таким образом, чтобы учащийся осознал существование различных экономических систем, постоянное влияние экономики на нашу жизнь. Лекционный курс дает представление об основных экономических терминах (которые даются с переводом в опорных конспектах), взаимоотношениях индивидуума и системы страны Учащиеся знакомятся с принципами работы производства, рыночными отношениями, основами предпринимательства и работы банковской системы, рынком ценных бумаг, и т.д. Таким образом, происходит развитие экономического мышления учащихся и осознание ими ответственности всех и каждого в отдельности за принятые решения.
Практические задания рассчитаны на различный уровень сложности (который выбирается учащимися самостоятельно), всегда носит как теоретический, так и практический характер.
Тестовые задания разработаны с учетом требований международных экзаменов по иностранному языку. Они носят разноуровневый характер и предполагают проверку теоретических и практических навыков, приобретенных учащимися в ходе изучения курса.
Разноуровневый характер практических и тестовых заданий позволяет учащимся самостоятельно отслеживать успешность продвижения при изучении курса, что, несомненно, способствует развитию навыков самооценки.
№ |
Тема |
Цель |
Понятия |
Умения |
Домашнее задание |
1 |
Личная экономика: задачи курса. Как произвести хорошее первое впечатление. PEQ – 1 |
- Ознакомление с задачами курса. - Проведение первичного Personal Economics Quotient - Ознакомление с принципами «хорошей первой встречи» |
- работа в парах |
Заготовка для визитки |
2 |
Как «продать» себя на рынке труда. |
- Определение понятия «рынка» - Ознакомление с правилами составления визитной карточки составить визитку |
- choice - economy - exchange - market |
- анализ и проектирование - критическое мышление - следование инструкции - аудирование |
Создание собственной визитки и «Карты жизни» |
3 |
Определение собственных интересов и умений. |
- проведение профессионограммы - соотношение своих умений и интересов с видами деятельности - определение области работы и необходимых требований к человеку выбранной профессии |
- career
- анализ информации - самооценка - принятие решений - интерпретация информации |
Создание карточки “Job Shuffle” |
4 |
Возможности трудоустройства. Шаги по трудоустройству. |
- определение порядка действий при трудоустройстве - выяснение способов получения информации о вакансиях - определение собственных умений, навыков и требований |
- labour - job - money |
- анализ ситуации - заполнение форм - следование инструкции - интерпретация информации |
С.10 – интерпретация и заполнение карточки о собственных умениях, навыках и требованиях |
5 |
Составление заявления о приеме на работу и резюме. |
- определение первостепенных и второстепенных навыков и умений - создание банка идей для составления собственного резюме |
- goods - human resources - resume |
- анализ информации - интерпретация информации - заполнение форм |
С. 11-12 – заполнение заявления о приеме на работу и созданий резюме |
6 |
Подготовка к собеседованию с работодателем. |
- определение важнейших навыков и характеристик - ознакомление с различными видами интервью - ознакомление в правилами поведения в ходе собеседования |
- employment - opportunity - interview |
- анализ информации - анализ ситуации - интерпретация информации |
С. 13 – изучение навыков поведение при собеседовании с работодателем |
7 |
Проведение интервью. |
- отслеживание успешных и неудачных моментов при проведении собеседования со стороны нанимателя и претендента на работу |
- ролевая игра - анализ ситуации - интерпретация информации |
Составление собственного интервью – подготовка к ролевой игре |
8 |
Диалоги-интервью. Комментарии и рекомендации. |
- отслеживание успешных и неудачных моментов при проведении собеседования со стороны нанимателя и претендента на работу |
- ролевая игра - анализ ситуации - интерпретация информации |
Внесение изменений в собственное интервью |
9 |
Планирование личного бюджета. |
- определение важности бюджета как формы планирования расходов и доходов - определение параметров бюджета - определение сбалансированности бюджета и путей ее достижения |
- budget - income & expenses - savings - opportunity cost |
- составление бюджета - интерпретация математических выкладок - решение проблем - работа в команде и малых группах |
С. 14 – составление примерного личного бюджета на месяц |
10 |
Семейный бюджет. |
- определение важности создания семейного бюджета - определение статей расходов и доходов для семьи |
- income distribution - mortgage - rent - discretionary items |
- ролевая игра - интерпретация математических выкладок - решение проблем - работа в команде и малых группах |
С. 15 - расчет реального бюджета семьи на месяц |
11 |
Оплата счетов. Сберегательная книжка. |
- ознакомление с разными видами платежных документов - описание правил заполнения счетов и расходных чеков - обучение определению баланса на сберегательном счете |
- economic institutions - deposit - credit - account - loan - travellers’ cheque - interest |
- заполнение форм - интерпретация математических выкладок - работа в команде и малых группах |
С. 19-20 – заполнение расходных чеков и сведение баланса по сберегательной книжке |
12 |
Эффективное использование кредита. |
- определение достоинств и недостатков кредитной карточки - ознакомление со способами и видами получения кредита |
- credit card |
- интерпретация информации - интерпретация математических выкладок - работа в команде и малых группах |
С. 23 – решение о выдаче кредита на основании представленных данных |
13 |
Рынок ценных бумаг. |
- определение собственных возможностей инвестирования - знакомство с таблицами стоимости и ликвидности ценных бумаг - обучение ведению учета о покупке и продаже, ликвидности ценных бумаг |
- stock (common and preferred) - bond - dividend - investment - fund - profit - risk |
- анализ информации - составление графиков - формирование плана действий - работа в группе |
С. 26 – ведение учета о покупке и продаже, ликвидности ценных бумаг |
14 |
Анализ инвестиций. |
- обучение определению рискованности и выгодности собственных инвестиций - определение роли индивидуума в рыночной системе |
- certificate of deposit - maturity - passbook savings account - securities - tax - yield |
- анализ информации - интерпретация информации - интерпретация математических выкладок - работа в группах |
С. 27 – анализ собственных инвестиций относительно параметров риска и ликвидности |
15 |
Игра «Job Shuffle» |
- определение области работы и необходимых требований к человеку выбранной профессии |
- - работа в команде и малых группах |
16 |
PEQ - 2 |
- проведение финального Personal Economics Quotient - сопоставление ожиданий от курса и полученных знаний и умений - анализ возможных областей применения полученной информации |
№ |
Часы |
Понятия |
Основные вопросы |
Практикум Study Guide |
1 |
What is Economics |
2 |
Market/ market economy/ economics/ goods/ services/resources: natural, human, capital/entrepreneurship/ scarcity/ opportunity cost/ trade-off/ economy/ microeconomics/ macroeconomics |
Voluntary exchange/ Markets/ Production and distribution of goods & services / Scarcity / Opportunity costs/ Productivity resources/ Trade-offs/ Marginal costs/ Marginal benefits/ Production-possibilities curve/ Basic economic choices |
Easy |
Difficult |
Test 1 |
Стр. 1-2, 10 |
2 |
Market Economy and Other Systems |
2 |
Private property/ price system/ competition/ incentive/ profit/ interest/ households/ rent/ consumer/ resource owner/ goods and services market/ resource market/ money/ barter |
Private property/ The price system/ Market competition/ Profit/ Market system/ Command system/ Traditional system/ Mixed economies/ Circular flow/ goods and services markets/ Resource markets/ Barter vs. money/ Money as a medium of exchange, store of value, and measure of prices/ Adam Smith and the Wealth of Nations/ Entrepreneurship/ The goals of a market system |
Стр. 15 –17, 21 |
Стр. 17, 18, 21 |
3 |
Test 1 |
1 |
4 |
Demand |
2 |
Demand/ price effect/substitute/ market demand/price elasticity of demand/ complementary goods |
The Law of Demand/ Demand and the price effect/ Buying power/ Diminishing personal value/ Diminishing marginal utility/ Substitutes/ Market demand/ Price elasticity of demand/Reason why elasticity is different for different products/ The price effect vs. a change in demand |
Стр. 25, 26,31,33 |
Стр. 27-29, 33 |
5 |
Supply |
2 |
Supply/market supply |
The Law of Supply/ Supply and the price effect/ Market supply/ Price elasticity of supply/ Testing for elasticity/ The price effect vs. a change in supply/ Changes in the marginal cost of production |
Стр. 37, 38, 43 |
Стр. 38, 40, 41, 43 |
6 |
Market-Clearing Price |
2 |
Market-clearing price/ shortage/ surplus/ rationing |
Demand and supply/ Market-clearing or equilibrium price/ Shortages/ Surpluses/ How prices ration/ Prices and motivation? Information and incentives |
Стр. 49, 54, 55 |
7 |
Consumers, Savers, And Investors |
2 |
Consumer/ wage/ salary/ income/ wealth/ net worth/ budget/ balanced budget/ stock/ yield/ dividend/ diversify/ principal/ finance charge/ insurance premium |
Consumers/ Sources of Income/ Wealth and savings/ Advertising/ Budgets/ Safety, rate of return, and liquidity/ Types of savings/ Consumer credit/ Advantages and disadvantages of credit/ Risk and insurance/ Consumer protection/ Government and consumers |
Стр. 63-64, 70 |
Стр. 70, 72 (№ 3, 5, 6) |
8 |
End-Year Test |
1 |
9 |
The Business of a Market Economy |
2 |
Entrepreneur/ e-commerce/ the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)/ sole proprietorship/ asset/ partnership/ silence partner/ limited partner/ creditor/ corporation/ state charter/ charter/ stock/ stockholder/ stock exchange/ S-corporation/ not-for-profit corporation/ government-owned corporation/ Limited Liability Company/ cooperative/ franchise/ franchiser/ corporate bylaws/ Board of Directors/ proxy/ annual report |
Entrepreneurs/ Who becomes an entrepreneur?/ Economic Role of small business/ Starting a small business/ Sole proprietorships/Partnerships/ Corporations/ Advantages and disadvantages of forms of business/ S Corporations/ Not-for-profits/ Cooperatives and franchises/ Charter and bylaws/ Stockholders and Board of directors |
Стр. 75, 80, 82, 83 |
10 |
Financing a Business |
2 |
Investment/ financial markets/ equity/ market/ risk/ inflation risk/ the principal/ trade credit/ bonds/ to incorporate/ dividend/ common (ordinary) stock/ preferred (preferable) stock/ depreciation/ retained earnings/ over-the-counter (OTC) trading/ prospectus/ insider trading |
Savings, investments, and depreciation/ Financial markets/ Bonds/ Equity/ Common and preferred stock/ The stock market/ Securities and exchange commission/ Mutual funds/ Business accounting/ Balance sheet/ Income statement |
Стр. 94-95, 96,97 |
11 |
Production and Productivity |
2 |
Net export/ inflation/ standard of living/ productivity/ labour productivity/ fixed (overhead) costs/ variable costs/ the Law of diminishing returns/ economies of scale |
Gross Domestic Product/ Per capita real GDP/ Labour productivity/ Capital resources/ Technological change/ Emphasis on quality/ Fixed and variable costs/Law of diminishing returns/ Economies of scale/ Marginal cost/ Marginal revenue |
Стр. 109, 110 |
12 |
The Labour Force |
2 |
The labour force/ grievance/ seniority/a labour contract/ |
Labour demand and supply/ Labour compensation and growth in productivity/ Changes in the labour force/ Nonmarket forces/ Job discrimination and its impact on productivity/ Labour unions/ Labour legislation/ Union and managerial relations/ Employee involvement programme |
Стр. 121, 122 – 123 |
13 |
How Businesses Compete |
2 |
Pure price competition/ price taker/ price searcher/ monopolistic competition/ differentiation/ oligopoly/ collusion/ monopoly/ patent/ copyright/ trademark/ monopsony/ merger/ marketing |
Competition and market structure/ Price takers and price searchers/ Pure price competition/ Monopolistic competition/ Oligopoly/ Monopoly/ Product differentiation/ Price leader/ Patents, copyrights, & trademarks/ Mergers/ Imperfect competition/ Marketing/Product, price, promotion, & place |
Стр. 134-135 |
14 |
Mid-Year Test |
1 |
15 |
Government and Economy |
2 |
External costs/ external benefits/ fiscal policy/ excise tax/ tax incidence/ a proportional tax/ a progressive tax/ a regressive tax |
Role of government/ External costs and benefits/ Public goods and services/ Economic security/ Government spending/ Federal budget/ Receipts and outlays/ State & local finances/ Government and the circular flow/ Proportional, progressive, & regressive taxes/ Budget surplus or deficit & national debt |
Стр. 139, 151, 148, 149 |
Стр. 145-146, 148, 149 |
16 |
Money and Financial Institutions |
2 |
Wampum/ money/ money supply/ currency/ required reserves/ the required reserve ratio/ trust/ foreign currency exchange/ safekeeping/ credit card/ brokerage/ letters of credit/ underwriting/ deposit multiplier/ the Federal reserve system/ purchasing power/ cost-push inflation / demand-pull inflation/ deflation |
What is money?/ The money supply/ Development of banking/ Bank services/ Bank reserves/ Deposit multiplier/ The Federal Reserve System/ Purchasing power/ Demand-pull and cost-push inflation |
Стр. 161-162, 164 |
17 |
Economic Stability |
4 |
A business cycle/ economic indicators/ the consumer price index/ peak/ recession/ trough/ expansion/ monetary policy/ the discount rate/ automatic stabilizers |
Calculating GDP, expenditure and income/ Fractional, Structural, Seasonal, & cyclical unemployment/ Economic fluctuations or the business cycle/ Peak, recession, trough, expansion/ Fiscal policy/ Monetary policy/ Aggregate demand or supply/ Automatic stabilizers |
Стр. 172, 176, 174-175 |
Стр. 169, 174-175 |
18 |
International Trade |
4 |
Absolute advantage/ comparative advantage/ tariff/ quota/ export subsidy/ unilateral agreement/ multilateral agreement/ free-trade association/ customs union/ common market/ economic union/exchange rate/ balance of trade/ trade deficit/ current account/ capital account |
The benefits of trade/ Absolute & comparative advantage/ Barriers to trade/ Revenue & protective tariffs/ Quotas & Subsidies/ Economic cooperation/ Trade agreement and WTO, NAFTA, EU, & ASEAN/ Euro dollars/ exchange rates/ Balance of payment/ trade deficit/ Current & capital accounts |
Стр. 177, 189, 186-187 |
Стр. 184, 186-187 |
19 |
The Global Economy: Achievements and Challenges |
3 |
Capitalism/ communism/ socialism/ Gross National Product (GNP) |
Command and market economies/ Privatization/ Developing countries/ Economic growth & development/ Economic and political freedom/ Information & incentives/ Trade & growth/ Environmental issues/ Currency crises/ Population/ Economic thinking |
Стр. 206- 208 |
20 |
End-Year Test |
1 |
21 |
Challenges of the Programme |
1 |
Reviewing concepts: scarcity, choices, voluntary exchange, markets, pillars of free enterprise, prices, money, the role of government, resources, costs of our actions and decisions, savings and investments, caring for others, environmental issues. |
1. Personal Economics. Econ and Me. Москва, МОО «Достижения молодых» - Junior Achievement Russia, , ООО «Артель - сервис», 2001. – 26 с.
2. JA Economics (Applied Economics). Экономика. Учебник. Москва, МОО «Достижения молодых» - Junior Achievement Russia, ООО «Артель - сервис», 2001. – 232 с.
3. JA Economics (Applied Economics). Study Guide. Экономика. Сборник задач. Москва, МОО «Достижения молодых» - Junior Achievement Russia, ООО «Артель - сервис», 2001. – 216 с.
4. Жданова И.Ф., Вартумян Э.Л. Англо-русский экономический словарь. – 4-е изд., стереотип. – М.: Русский язык, 2001. – 880 с.
5. Longman Dictionary of BUSINESS ENGLISH. J. H. Adam. – 4-е изд., МПК, Можайск, 1993. – 493 с.
6. Графова Л.Л., Шахбагова Д.А. Сокровищница бизнесмена. – М.:РИМЭКС, 1992. –
223 с.
7. English on Business. Practical English for International Executives. Gerald Lees & Tony Thorne.- Chancerel, изд-во «Титул», 1997. – 192 с.
8. Ресурсы интернета.
9. Газеты «The Financial Times»
Chapter 1
1) Complete the sentences with the following: to need, choice, resources
In any society you have to make 1) ________ because there are not enough of 2) ____________ to produce everything the people 3) _________.
2) Which words are missing?
a) Mary spent her pocket money to buy books. Because of this she couldn’t purchase a scarf that she also needed. Consequently, the scarf she has to give up is ________ of books bought by Mary.
b) The main reason, why there are some uncertainties concerning the process of providing crude oil, is that crude oil is a ______________.
c) Many people want to become “independent owners”. An economist would call them __________ .
3) a) Fill in the chart, showing all possible visits to the cinema and disco which Mary can afford monthly. b) Suppose, Mary goes to the cinema 4 times a month, but this months she has watched films 6 times. What is the opportunity cost of these extra visits?
Mary has got two favourite entertainments: cinema and discos. She can spend $24 a month on them. Usually a cinema ticket costs $3 and a ticket to disco is $ 1,5.
Visits per month
Cinema |
A N D |
Disco |
8 |
0 |
* |
* |
0 |
16 |
4) Which category does the following belong to (durable <long-lived, hard>goods, nondurable <soft, undurable>goods, services): a) holiday abroad, b) a personal computer, c) a vacuum cleaner, d) a toothpaste. e) a trip by train
TEST 1 (Ch. 1-2) Additional tasks
1. In a voluntary exchange between two people a. both people believe they are benefiting b. one person’s gain is the other’s loss c. both people lose d. no one really benefits or loses |
1. Competition can take many forms, but there would be no competition at all without a. money c. scarcity b. markets d. businesses |
2. The owner of a new store in town wants to know whether she should increase the store’s advertising spending. The owner should do so if estimates show that a. the marginal cost of the advertising is less than the marginal benefit b. there are no marginal costs of advertising c. the marginal benefit and marginal cost of advertising are equal d. advertising will bring in more customers. |
2. Your employer pays you with a check, and you deposit the check in your checking account. Which of the following best describes the money you have accepted as payment for your work? a. gold b. currency and coin c. numbers in a computerized bank ledger d. an “IOU” (I owe you) from your employer |
3. An economy based on voluntary exchange operates automatically when a. incomes are distributed equally b. market competition is unrestricted c. businesses are motivated to help society d. wages don’t depend on the value of products workers produce |
3. Entrepreneurship a. is usually discouraged by a free enterprise system b. keeps businesses producing the same goods and services year after year c. promotes economic growth d. contributes little to our economy |
TEST 1 (Ch. 1-2) Variant 1
I. Matching Questions: Match each item in Column A with its definition in Column B
Column A |
Column B |
1. Resource markets |
a. the movement of money, products, and resources between household and business |
2. economics |
b. how people in a society make the what, how, and who decisions |
3. profit |
c. another name for a market system |
4. free enterprise |
d. where you exchange your labour for money to spend on goods and services |
5. circular flow |
e. study of people producing and exchanging to the things they want |
6. economic system |
f. money remaining after deducting costs from sales |
II. Multiply Choice: In the space provided write the letter of the item that best completes the statement.
1. Which of the following would be a good? a. a haircut b. a pair of scissors c. a visit to a doctor d. advice from a lawyer |
1. The circular flow is a simplified picture of our economy in which a. exchange depends on production. b. production depends on the exchange. c. both a and b. d. neither a nor b. |
2. Opportunity cost a. does not relate to the use of one’s time. b. is a change in prices. c. is defined as the amount of money spent to buy something. d. is the best alternative given up whenever someone makes a choice. |
2. Which of the following is not one of the basic choices that people in all societies must make? a. what things to produce b. what should be done with resources that aren’t scarce c. who will receive the goods and services d. how should things be produced. |
3. In a market economy a. individuals may organize any lawful business. b. everyone has the right to vote in an election. c. goods are so plentiful that they are free. d. workers do not charge for their labour. |
3. Many businesses work together as a team to provide you with products. For the most part, they do it because they are guided by a. voluntary exchange c. the banking system b. government system d. the stock market |
TEST 1 (Ch. 1-2) Variant 2
I. Matching Questions: Match each item in Column A with its definition in Column B
Column A |
Column B |
1. entrepreneur |
a. the inability to satisfy all of everybody’s wants |
2. capital resources |
b. a function of money, which enables people to make exchanges more easily with one another |
3. competition |
c. authority to use or trade a good or resource |
4. property right |
d. takes business risks in hopes of earning a profit |
5. scarcity |
e. machinery and tools |
6. medium of exchange |
f. rivalry among businesses for the consumer’s money |
II. Multiply Choice: In the space provided write the letter of the item that best completes the statement.
The unemployment rate is a subject of a. microeconomics. b. macroeconomics. c. opportunity costs. d. marginal costs and benefits. |
4. Most businesses earn their profits by a. competing successfully against consumers. b. charging exorbitant prices. c. selling what consumers want to buy at prices they are willing to pay. d. ignoring consumers’ preferences. |
The circular flow model shows all of the following, except a. people earning money by exchanging their factors of production with businesses. b. households exchanging with businesses in product markets and resource markets. c. businesses selling resources to households. d. consumers earning income by helping to produce goods and services. |
5. Which of the following illustrates a market? a. A person buying a milkshake at an ice cream shop. b. Someone using a mail order catalogue, telephone, or credit card to buy clothing. c. None of the above. d. Both of the above. |
When resources are privately owned, a. people have incentives to use them carefully and productively. b. people typically ignore the opportunity costs and benefits of using the resources. c. both of the above. d. none of the above. |
6. In a market economy, what organizes and coordinates the production of goods and services? a. voluntary exchange. b. scarcity. c. government. d. banks.
I. Matching Questions: Match each item in Column A with its definition in Column B
Column A |
Column B |
1. goods |
a. an arrangement that allows people to make exchanges with one another |
2. consumers |
b. provides signals for what will be produced |
3. opportunity cost |
c. increased production of goods and services |
4. economic growth |
d. items of value that can be seen and touched |
5. market |
e. those who use goods and services |
6. price system |
f. the best alternative one gives up when making choice |
II. Multiply Choice: In the space provided write the letter of the item that best completes the statement.
1. Detailed knowledge about the production and distribution of most products a. is concentrated in a small team of managers. b. is spread among many people who may not even know each other. c. is collected and summarized by a Chamber of Commerce. d. is easily obtained from the Internet. |
Economists say that scarcity is a relative concept. This means that a. resources are scarce only in poor societies. b. scarce and limited resources are identical. c. the scarcity of resources can change if wants or amounts of resources available change. d. market economies usually eliminate scarcity.
2. Throughout history people have used money mainly because a. governments have required it. b. without money there would be no scarcity. c. it is impossible to exchange without using money. d. none of the above. |
In resource markets businesses compete against a. one another. b. households. c. private owners of resources. d. no one.
3. In a market economy prices provide information. This means that prices a. usually tell businesses about the values consumers put on various products. b. often let households know which products businesses want to buy. c. tell the government which products it should allow businesses to produce. d. clearly identify products that aren’t scarce. |
An economy with many entrepreneurs would probably a. experience little change. b. see the development of many new products and production methods. c. have a slower moving circular flow than an economy with few entrepreneurs. d. grow rapidly by avoiding innovations. |
End-Year Test Grade 10 Variant I
1. Matching Questions: Match each term in Column A with its definition in Column B
Column A |
Column B |
a) compound interest |
1. the amount of a product you can buy with your money |
b) incentives to produce |
2. a function of money, which enables people to make exchanges more easily with one another |
c) buying power |
3. financial plan summarizing income and expenditures |
d) elastic supply |
4. producing more than people need |
e) opportunity cost |
5. can cause today’s supply curve to shift to the left |
f) surplus |
6. reasons for producing goods and services |
g) medium of exchange |
7. computed on both the amount saved and previously paid interest |
h) expectations of higher future prices for a product |
8. the best alternative one gives up when making choice |
i) budget |
9. describes how much a change in price affects the quantity demanded |
j) change in demand |
10. exists when the price effect is substantial (rather high) |
2. True or Make True: Read each statement carefully and decide whether it is true or false. If it is false, change the underlined word or words to make the statement true.
all savers should invest in them.
3. Multiply Choice: Choose the letter of the item that best completes the statement.
1. A higher price for a product a) Encourages sellers to sell less of it. b) Causes shortages. c) Shifts both the demand and the supply curves. d) Causes buyers to buy less of it. |
3. A market-clearing price is important because a) It clears away scarcity b) It balances the amounts demanded and supplied c) It is the only price at which sellers offer any amount of a product d) It causes buyers to disappear from the market. |
2. Which one of the following items is likely to have the most inelastic demand? a) Salt b) Chocolate-covered doughnuts c) Home computers d) Broccoli |
4. If bad weather destroys much of the Halloween pumpkin crop, then a) the price effect will cause growers to sell fewer pumpkins at lower prices b) growers will offer fewer pumpkins at each and every price c) both of the above d) none of the above |
End-Year Test Grade 10 Variant II
1. Matching Questions: Match each term in Column A with its definition in Column B
Column A |
Column B |
a) liquidity |
1. items that people typically use together, like bread and butter |
b) market-clearing price |
2. provides signals for what will be produced |
c) complementary good |
3. money spent |
d) market supply |
4. rivalry among buyers or among sellers |
e) scarcity |
5. business people bear this when producing things we want |
f) competition |
6. the price that balances the amount buyers want to buy with the amount the sellers want to sell |
g) price system |
7. the ease of turning savings and other investments into cash |
h) marginal cost |
8. the inability to satisfy all of everybody’s want |
i) expenditures |
9. the point reached when the next item consumed is less satisfying than the one before |
j) diminishing marginal utility |
10. the sum of all producers’ supplies in a given market |
2. True or Make True: Read each statement carefully and decide whether it is true or false. If it is false, change the underlined word or words to make the statement true.
3.Multiply Choice: Choose the letter of the item that best completes the statement.
1. 1. What best describes the forces that make a price move up or down to its market-clearing prices? a) competition among buyers b) competition among sellers c) competition between sellers and buyers d) both a and b |
3 Which of the following is likely to increase the demand for nutty chocolate? a) fewer children in the population b) news that insects have destroyed much of the cocoa beans crop c) c) a big increase in the price of nuts d) a medical research stating that eating nutty chocolates makes people nutty |
2 If the price of beef rises and remains at the higher level, then over the time the supply of beef a) becomes more inelastic because producers get used to the higher price b) shifts to the left c) becomes more elastic because ranchers have more time to bring resources into cattle production d) remains unchanged. |
4. Which of the following best illustrates the rationing function of market-clearing prices? a) the price that advertisers pay for television time has risen over the years as companies have increasingly sought to advertise their products in that medium b) ticket prices to professional sporting events have gone up as more as fans have c) both of the above d) none of the above |
End-Year Test Grade 10 Variant III
1. Matching Questions: Match each term in Column A with its definition in Column B
Column A |
Column B |
a) insurance |
1. something used in place of a particular product |
b) shortage |
2. money remaining after deducting costs from sales |
c) substitute |
3. you will need this if you want to buy now and pay later |
d) decrease in supply |
4. allocating something scarce among people who want more than there is available |
e) free enterprise |
5. exists when the price effect is small |
f) rationing |
6. how much more the buyers want to buy that the sellers want to sell at a given price |
g) profit |
7. financial protection against the risk of different misfortunes |
h) inelastic supply |
8. another name for a market economy |
i) good credit |
9. the sum of all individuals’ demands in a given market |
j) market demand |
10. people want to sell less of a product at all possible prices |
2. True or Make True: Read each statement carefully and decide whether it is true or false. If it is false, change the underlined word or words to make the statement true.
4. Multiply Choice: Choose the letter of the item that best completes the statement.
1. Market-clearing prices do which of the following in a market economy? a) act as messengers that tell producers about consumers’ wants b) act as messengers that tell consumers about producers’ costs of producing products c) encourages consumers to conserve and businesses to be efficient d) all of the above |
3. Which of the following would not shift the supply curve of car-washing services to the right? a) businesses introduce more efficient washing and dying equipment b) workers at car washes become able to wash more cars per hour than before c) the price of water goes up d) the number of car-washing businesses increases
2. Producers usually sell more at higher prices than at lower prices because a) their marginal costs usually drop as production increases b) they don’t have to worry about marginal production costs c) their marginal costs usually rise as they increase production d) they want the excess profit that comes from producing additional quantities at lower cost |
4. If the price of water increases, a) the demand for desert-type landscaping will shift to the left b) the demand for water will shift to the left c) the demand for water-saving shower heads will shit to the right d) the demand for bath soap will shift to the right |
1. I will participate in all activities to the best of my activities.
2. I will respect fellow participants and the instructors.
3. I recognize the primary responsibility for learning is my own.
4. Taking risks is okay and failure is a part of learning.
5. Liars, lazy fellows and boors are the least respected.
I will never be one!
Mini – biography
1. name
2. surname
3. perfect meal
4. favourite place
5. favourite school subject
6. hobbies
7. favourite sport to watch
Personal Economics
Words to Know
Part 1 Marketing Yourself
Market |
!!! |
· a public place where people meet to buy or sell goods or an occasion during which such a meeting takes place · trade in a class of goods (the coffee market) · demand (There’s no market for snowboards in Africa) · area, country, in which goods can be sold (American market) · an arrangement in which an exchange takes place |
Part 2 Job Opportunities - 1
Job |
!!! |
· a position in business/employment · a piece of work to be done |
Labour |
!!! |
· human resources · bodily or mental work · task, a piece of work · workers as a class |
Money |
!!! |
· anything generally accepted in payment for goods and services. A medium of exchange · coins stamped from metal or printed on paper and accepted when buying or selling. |
Part 3 Job Opportunities - 2
Career |
!!! |
· progress through life · way of making a living, profession · a field of work |
Goods |
!!! |
· movable property, merchandise · items of value that are tangible (capable of being seen and touched) |
Human Resources |
!!! |
· the people a business uses to produce its goods or services |
Resume |
!!! Adam |
· summary · a formal brief giving the chief points only · a written summary of an individual’s job-related qualifications · a personal statement of one’s previous employment, skills, education, accomplishments |
Part 4 Job Interview
Interview |
!!! Adam |
· a face to face meeting to get or give job information · a meeting of a few persons to do business or to decide whether one of the persons is fit for a post or to obtain a person’s views such as a television interview |
Part 5 Personal Budgeting
Budget |
Adam |
· plan for saving and spending money · estimate of probable future income and expenditure that made by the state, a business company, society, private person · an account of probable future income (money coming in) and expenditure (money going out) during a stated period of time, used as a guide in making financial arrangements · a government’s formal plan for future national income and expenditure · the amount of money set aside for a special purpose (e.g. promotional budget) |
Expenses |
Adam |
· costs · expenditure (spending and using), amount spent or used · the cost of things bought (= outlay) · sums of money spent on the running of a business in such a way that they do not add to the value of its assets. Thus, money spent on rent, local taxes, electricity/gas/water, insurance, wages and salaries, advertising are expenses while money spent on building, machinery, raw materials are classed as capital expenditure. |
Income |
Adam |
· earnings · money received during a given period (as salary, interest from investment) · money of all kinds coming in regularly to a person, organization, such as salary or wages from employment, rent from property, profit from business, and fees for professional services. |
Savings |
Adam |
· unspent income · money saved up · money not spent but put aside for future use and in the meanwhile invested or held as cash |
Opportunity Cost |
Adam |
· the cost of something expressed in terms of what had to be given up in order to obtain it · the cost of something that one has decided not to take an opportunity to buy . If you want to buy a radio and a coat, then the opportunity cost of the coat is the cost of the radio that the person has sacrificed the opportunity of possessing. |
Part 6 Family Finances
Rent |
Adam |
· payment for the use of land · regular payment for the use of land, a building, a room, machinery, etc. · money paid for the use of something considered as a factor of production; the price of or the income received from the good |
Mortgage |
!!! |
· a long–term loan, usually used to finance a building · a claim on one’s house as a security for payment of a loan to buy it |
Needs |
· some essential payment to live (housing payment, electricity/water/gas, clothing, food) |
Discretion-ary Items |
Adam |
· items of choice (e.g. a car used for both work and fun), having freedom to act according to one’s own judgement · things not essential to living but which can be bought or not bought |
Luxury Items |
· = wants , items not essential for living (e.g. movies, art, cruises) |
Part 7 Paying the Bills
Interest |
Adam |
· payment for the use of someone else’s money, usually expressed as an annual rate in terms of a percent of the principal (amount loaned) · the price paid for the use of money · rights of ownership in a business or a substantial share in a business |
Deposit |
Adam |
· money or its equivalent deposited (left with) a person or organization (bank) for safe-keeping, or as security, or to bear interest · the amount of money that the buyer of a good has to pay as the first payment at the time he takes possession of the good |
Credit |
· the ability to purchase goods or services now in exchange for a promise to pay later · any arrangement with a bank by which the bank will accept and pay bills of exchange · a person’s power to obtain goods on credit, i.e. to be paid for in the future |
Consumer |
!!! Adam
· user of goods and services · a person whose wants are satisfied by producers, who uses the products and services that he buys, who doesn’t resell them |
Accounts |
Adam |
· any counting and recording of money received or paid · a detailed recording in orderly form of business dealings and of the matter in which money is received, held or spent |
Loans |
Adam |
· money lent on condition that interest will be paid at an agreed rate and the amount lent will be repaid at an agreed time or in an agreed manner (they can be those of bank, personal, home, day-to-day, local authority, time) |
Traveller’s Cheque |
Adam |
· a special kind of cheque issued by a bank to a traveller who can get payment in local currency at sight, i.e. on presenting it, with proof of his signature at a bank, store, hotel. Such cheques are usually paid at the time they are issued. If they are lost, the issuing bank will repay or replace them. |
Part 8 Using Credit Wisely
Credit Card |
Adam |
· a form of consumer credit, being a card issued by a bank or other finance organization which allows the customer to get credit at most shops, restaurants, hotels. The customer shows the card and signs the bill which is then paid by the concern issuing the card. The card-holder receives an account (usually monthly) with all the bills for the period and he has to pay within a fixed number of days after which interest at a higher rate becomes payable. · A way of borrowing money, holders pay a finance charge when using the card. Purchasing on credit means paying at a future date. |
Part 9 The Stock Market
Stock |
!!! Adam |
· Certificate representing part ownership of a corporation · A portion of the capital of a company that has converted its fully paid shares into units, usually of $100 nominal |
Common Stock |
Adam |
· Most basic form of stock ownership. The holder of common stock has a right to a share of the company’s earnings, a voice in management, a claim on assets, and permanent ownership · Capital stock that has been converted from ordinary shares and, therefore, has a claim to receive a dividend out of the net profits of the company after the fixed dividends on any preference stock has been paid |
Preferred Stock |
· Stock representing ownership of a company. If the corporation were to close down the owner of preferred stock would receive her/his share before the owner of common stock · Capital stock the holders of which have a right to be paid a dividend at a fixed rate before the holders of ordinary (common) stock |
Dividend |
!!! Adam |
· That part of corporate profits distributed to stockholders · An amount to be divided such as the total sum to be paid out of profits or as interest on a loan. Its commercial meaning is “one of the parts into which an amount has been divided and shared out to stockholders of a company or to the creditors of a bankrupt”. It is expressed either as a percentage, or as a part of a pound/dollar. |
Investment |
Adam |
· Spending for new capital such as factories and machines. In general usage, it refers to savings that are set aside to earn money. · Using money to obtain income or profits; money invested; the buying of the securities and the lending of money to banks, building societies, etc., to obtain an income from interest or dividends or a profit on a future loan. |
Profit |
!!! Adam |
· A company’s earnings after it has paid all expenses · The amount by which the price received is greater than the cost; the difference between business income and expenses; · Reward for the businessman’s enterprise in accepting the risks and uncertainties of business, and as a payment for skilled management. |
Yield |
!!! Adam |
· The return on an investment expressed as a percent · The income received by an investor from a security, usually expressed as a percentage of the money invested or of the current price of the security |
Securities |
· The word commonly refers to stocks and bonds |
Risk |
Adam |
· the probability of making a profit or losing money on one’s investment · something that may happen; the chance of loss, especially of something covered by investments |
Part 10 Analyzing Your Investment
CDs (certificates of deposit) |
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· certificates issued by saving institutions and banks. They guarantee the repayment of a sum of money at a fixed rate of interest and at a specified date |
Maturity |
!!! Adam |
· the date when the amount loaned to the issuer is to be paid · the date on which a bill of exchange , insurance policy, debenture or loan stock becomes due for payment or repayment |
Mutual Fund |
Adam |
· an investment that minimizes risk by pooling bonds, stocks or other securities from a variety of sources · at Stock Exchange (USA) – unit trusts |
Passbook Savings Account |
· savings accounts from which funds can easily be withdrawn (taken away) |
Tax |
!!! Adam |
· compulsory payment to government · a payment of money legally demanded by a government authority to meet public expenses · capital tax, income tax, expenditure tax, corporation tax, head tax (1800s), pole tax (elections) |
Bond |
Adam |
· certificate representing a long-term debt of a government or a corporation · a formal document promising to pay a sum of money or acknowledging the existence of a debt · a document issued by a government or a company borrowing money from the public, stating the existence of a debt and the amount owing to the holder who must use the document to obtain repayment of the loan |
What is your PEQ
(Personal Economics Quotient)?
Answer the questions to see what you know about personal economics.
1. People who voluntary make exchanges are participating in
a. a business
b. a market
c. an interview
d. an argument
2. Which of the following is something you would not do at a job interview?
a. think before you speak
b. answer all the questions completely
c. criticize your former employer
d. ask about career opportunities
3. What are some ways to market yourself (or market your resources)?
a. job applications
b. resumes
c. interviews
d. all of the above
4. The good or service you give up in order to obtain something else is called
a. a deficit
b. a sacrifice
c. an opportunity cost
d. a discretionary item
5. When you are using checks, what should you never do?
a. sign the check
b. write the amount on the check
c. give someone a blank or incomplete check
d. date the check
6. To determine the price of a stock in the newspaper, look at the
a. opening price
b. closing price
c. price/earnings ratio
d. yield
7. Something accepted as payment for goods and services is known as
a. money
b. barter
c. neither a nor b
d. both a and b
8. You deposit your check in the bank. When you budget your money, what should you plan to do first?
a. pay your monthly bills
b. set aside money for savings
c. buy the CD player you want
d. none of the above
9. Which of these would you do to find out about a job?
a. fill out the application
b. check the newspaper
c. talk to the people you know
d. all of the above